Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Travelling this past week enabled me to not only capture some interesting photos but to also do some rather deep thinking.  Now bear in mind I had just come off a weekend of frivolity with a bunch of seventy something "Seasoned" citizens and hence "Deep" may have less of a meaning that what one would normally associate with basic intelligence.

I saw kids going to school in big yellow buses.  Amish folks working with what our grand children would call primitive tools.  A society labeled by some in the media as primitive.  

I saw farmers cutting corn with big green or yellow machinery that cost them over a hundred thousand dollars per unit.

  I saw children in high school driving machinery that cost in some cases over thirty thousand per unit provided by loving or perhaps guilty parents.  Or fixed up antiques and hot rods. 

I saw folks who worked from three am till two pm catching seafood for the rest of us.

I saw once proud ways of life abandoned by folks who had perhaps passed on.  Or who just couldn't make it work.  Estates where inheriting families had to sell or parcel out just to pay usury death taxes.  Or just plain second or third generations that just had no stomach for the hard work and dedication it would take to keep going.

I saw gas pumps where the last sale was under a dollar a gallon.

I saw "Americana".

  No split screen news casts produced by agenda driven ideologues who want their point of view to become America.  I saw no biased, self aggrandizing professional politicians who huff and puff and refuse to do the work we hired them to do.  They think us ignorant and unable to care for ourselves. 

 I see they shut the government down this morning at 12:01.  I was asleep at the time.  Interesting and infuriating that these pompous rectums that run our politics will still get paid for not doing their job despite a payroll shutdown for everyone else.

I saw parents working hard to make a go of it.  I saw parents taking care of their children so that they would live in a better place than they themselves.  I saw children being taught the ABC's by caring parents.  But, I also saw a Parent/Teacher meeting where out of 24 students only four parents had the care or interest to attend.  I saw parents work all day only to take their children to riding lessons or hockey lessons at night and then get only five hours sleep before starting it all over again.

I saw Americana on the Country Roads.  

It was all inspiring, but yet melancholy and sad as well!