Saturday, October 5, 2013

5 OCT 13

Another Saturday...Thank you Lord!

The recent draught in sales ended last night with a large piece sold to a North Carolina buyer.

It's funny.  I go a couple of weeks without a sale and three or four happen all at once.  I must admit that my week on the road threw the marketing efforts into the basket and perhaps that is just catching up now, but I am appreciative of any and all sales.  I once thought that goings on in the macro economy of the country had an effect on sales, but I am becoming to suspect that effect is more of a long term thing.     Sales seem to be more directly related to the amount of social marketing I do.  Just some thoughts there.  Note to grand kids....hard work!  That's the secret.  The holy grail!

Today, Saturday, I am a floater at the Cayce, SC Blue Grass Festival.  You know the old saying that we all rise to the level of our own self incompetence.  Well now I also have the title to go with it.  Floater. Crap!  And how did I volunteer anyway?

There are going to be a lot of these played there and maybe I can get some interesting photos.  You know I will carry a camera.  There won't be a need to take a walk this morning as I will be on my feet from noon to seven.  Then in two weeks we're off to New Jersey and the Lighthouse Challenge at Hereford Inlet.  For the uninitiated, please click on the links in the text for further information and crass marketing attempts to catch your attention. 

It's not that early, I know but the dogs have not realized that I am awake and hence are not whining for food.  And the stupid birds are still asleep....that leaves me the only one rumbling around here with my Pike Place Roast in hand.  Thank you Starbucks!  It's always nice to start the day with that hidden extra caffeine kick.  That's how they market you know!  Highest caffeine of any coffee around.  Not advertised as such, just insidious.  I wish I could create a way to make my photos as addictive as their coffee.  Maybe scratch photographs and sniff?  I think you can tell I am reaching for stuff to write.  So I better close and get to some real quasi work done!  

Supposed to be in the 90's today so I will be working on my farmer's tan as well.  Then along around Tuesday or Wednesday we get to meet Karen.  No, not a real person but a tropical storm.  We do need the rain as the creek's down.

Now you see that's the teaser for you to check back around that time to see if the ark I built is ready.

Stay happy my friends.